Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bare root time

During the last few breath of old man winter we fine time to get out in the garden and get ready for spring, being in sother california

California Invasive Species of the Mouth: Schinus molle

California is a state with a multitude of micro-climates and as such we are able to garden in ways mother never intended other in the Continental United States as such there is a growing issue of California Invasive Species
State of California Invasive Species program

Schinus molle - Commenly know as "California Pepper" however regardless this Genus and Species is not native to california and is not what here colunary pepper is grown from

Invasive Species and their individual destruction of California’s diverse and fragile micro climates and native plant cominties are sometimes hard to pin point while a  pepper tree may be gorwing fine there aere is a plant comunity that is less deverse beacuse of the pepper trees greedy roots and oils and fast groth happit quickly shades out many other Natives that beacuse of the pepper can't develoup a adaquite root system.

A great person once said "with great power, their is great responsabilty" Many Sother California gardeners have come to love the the poorly name "California Pepper Tree" with its Distinctive bark is twisted, knotted and exfoliates with age, with drooping branches, pinnately compound, glossy dark green leaves, and attractive red/pink pepper like berries